At UPSD, we welcome all students who live within the district's boundaries and meet state age requirements. Below you will find all the information needed to enroll your student. If you have additional enrollment questions, please scroll to the FAQ’s below or contact your child's school. To find out which school your child will attend, please use the School Search Tool below to look up the school boundaries for your address.
Enrollment may not be finalized until all of the required documents have been received by your child’s school.
NOTE: Documents may be uploaded during the online registration process OR bring them to your student’s designated school in person. The required documents must be received to process the registration. If you need help with a document, please contact the school office.
If you are ready to start the online portion to enroll, please scroll down to the set of photos below and click the appropriate option.
All parents have the right to information about their child’s education in a language they understand. If language assistance is needed during your registration process, please contact your school or the district office at 253-566-5600. Interpreters are available upon request.
It is required that you read and sign the following attendance letter in Step 5 of the online registration process. They are translated here for your convenience.
UPSD Attendance Letter - Arabic Translation
UPSD Attendance Letter - Korean Translation
UPSD Attendance Letter - Russian Translation
UPSD Attendance Letter - Spanish Translation
UPSD Attendance Letter - Vietnamese Translation
Please print the Student Health Form and return it to your student's school:
Student Health Form - Arabic Translation
Student Health Form - Korean Translation
Student Health Form - Russian Translation
Student Health Form - Spanish Translation
Student Health Form - Vietnamese Translation
Home Language Survey’s are available on OSPI’s Multilingual Family web page in 40 different languages.
UPSD uses Tyler Tehnologies My Ride K-12 as the transportation scheduling and routing system. Anyone may enter an address to see which school(s) are assigned to your address.
If your student will be riding a bus and once they are enrolled, please consider downloading the My Ride K-12 app on your smart phone. This app allows you to track the bus both before or after school in real time. Instructions are available on the School Bus Route Tracking page.
School Immunization Requirements
Washington State Law requires any child attending school or preschool to be fully immunized against certain diseases. The specific diseases are listed below.
All students must have a Washington State Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form on file that is medically verified. Medically verified documentation of the required vaccines must be provided to the school before your child can attend. Children may begin school only if they received all of the required immunizations they are due to receive and submitted medically verified records on or before the first day of attendance. Your child cannot attend school until you provide these records.
Here are some examples of medically verified immunization records:
Visit the Washington State Department of Health Website for more information on required vaccines for school.
Please contact the appropriate school nurse if you have additional questions. Thank you
UPSD offers a Special Education Development Preschool for children ages three through five with an IEP. There is no cost for this program. If your child currently has an IEP, even if it is from a different school district, you may complete a K-12 Online Registration with all the required documents right away. For additaional questions please contact our Special Education Department at 253-566-5645.
There is limited space for non special education peer models for a monthly fee on a first come first served basis. Details about this program are on the 2025-26 Preschool Peer Model Application form. This form must be delivered to the district office beginning March 26, 2025. The location is 3717 Grandview Dr. W. If your child is accepted, your will be notified of the next steps.
Click this link for more detailed information on Early Childhood Programs.
Child Find is a screening process to help identify children ages 3 to 5 who have developmental delays that may interfere with your child's learning and growth. If you would like to sign up for the next screening date please see the Child Find tab under Special Services.
Once your child has been screened the team may refer them for an evaluation. Your next step is to submit an online registration to complete the required paperwork.
This process collects all the necessary information about your student, family, and the requied paperwork to enroll your child. Please select the Early Childhood-Spec Ed School in Skyward. Once you have submitted the registration, our office will contact you with more information.
For questions on the online registration process, please contact student services at 253-566-5600. Thank you
Non-resident students who are currently enrolled in University Place School District must renew annually in February to ensure continued enrollment for the next school year. (A new online registration is not necessary for currently enrolled students even if they are moving to a new school.)
Renew on the first day for the best chance to stay at your existing school or to receive your first choice if moving schools.
If a renewal packet is not received by the last day of the current school year, the student will be inactivated as the state mandates a Choice Transfer be in place to attend a non-resident school.
Letters will be mailed to the address in Skyward before school is out so please make sure the school has any new addresses. Thank you
Applications for 2025-26 school year may be submitted beginning March 19th, 2025
To attend a school in the University Place School District while living within the boundaries of another school district, you will need to complete the following four steps:
Click this link for a PDF of the 2025-26 Non-Resident Enrollment Instructions.
NOTE: We understand you want an answer as soon as possible. Applications for the next school year may take additional time to determine if space is available. We will notify you ASAP by US Mail to the address provided on the UPSD Non-Resident application.
Residents of UPSD who attend a private school may request part time attendance or ancillary services. For more information about this, please contact your resident school to find out if the class/service is available. Below is a form to formally request one or both of these options from your local school.
Washington state law ​​​​​RCW 28A.225.010(4) defines instruction as home-based if it consists of planned and supervised instructional and related educational activities including curriculum and instruction in the basic skills of occupational education, science, mathematics, language, social studies, history, health, reading, writing, spelling, and the development of an appreciation of art and music.
Below are all of the forms related to enrollment in one location. For detailed information about each form, please locate the subject above.
Choice Transfer Online Request Portal - OSPI
Declaration of Intent to Provide Home-Based Instruction
Student Health Form upload to the online application or bring to the school.
Home Language Survey upload to the online application or bring to the school.
In-District Transfer Request 24-25
Living with Other Affadavit - Also requires a meeting with the school Administration.
Non-Resident Application and School Verification Form both forms required grades 1-12 new requests only.
PreSchool Application for fee based Peer Model Program at Sunset Primary.
Request for Part-Time Attendance – For Home-Based or Private School residents only.
Children must be 5 years old on or before August 31st of the current school year. UPSD does not offer any exceptions or a test in option.
No, students must be 5 years old on or before August 31st to enroll in Kindergarten.
Use our address lookup tool to find your neighboorhood school. If no schools are found, the address is most likely outside of UPSD boundaries. If the address is new and possibly not in the system, please contact our Transportation Department at 253-566-5700. Thank you
Go to: UPSD's School Search Tool
If your address is outside of UPSD boundaries and you would like to apply to see if space is avaialbe for your child, information is found in the Enrollment Options area above under the heading New Transfers to UPSD from another District.
Students entering all grades (Preschool-12) must meet immunization regulations as set forth by the State of Washington at the ages and intervals consistent with the national immunization guidelines for their age or grade. Children may begin school only if they received all of the required immunizations they are due to receive and submitted medically verified records on or before the first day of attendance.
Click the following link to learn more about School Immunization Requirements
If you are moving to a new address:
Before a non-resident can apply to attend the University Place School District, a Release of Attendance (via OSPI’s Choice Transfer Request Portal) must be granted by the district of residence.
NOTE: 2025-26 Applications are not yet being accepted. Please check back soon for a specific date. You may complete all the steps in advance to turn in on the first day.
To attend in a non-resident district, the resident district must first release the student. To start the process, please complete a Choice Transfer request using OSPI’s Choice Transfer Request Portal. An email will be sent to us to release your student. Once your student is releases, please contact that district to find out what, if any, other requirements are needed.
If you have been a parent or guardian of a past student, then you most likely already have a Skyward Family Access account.
There is a Forgot Your Login/Password link on the Family Access Login Screen. Please enter the email address you used at the time your student was last enrolled. If it indicates that an email was sent, please perform an “All Mail” search from “Do.Not.Reply” if it is not in your inbox within a few minutes.
If you try that and it does not recognize your email, you may use this email with the New Family Enrollment option.
Please contact the school for password assistance when open or the district office when schools are closed. Thank you
If you have an unstable housing situation for example:
Currently enrolled families, talk to your school counselor. Your school counselor will complete an intake form which will identify your student’s needs and any community resources available to you. Also, please complete the Housing Questionnaire.
New families may enroll online AND complete the Housing Questionnaire within the online district forms near the end of the registration.
If you have additional questions, please contact the school counselor or our McKinney-Vento Liason, Mr. Willie Keith at 253-566-5600. Thank you
In Washington, a student’s school and resident district is based on where the student resides, (sleeps at night) WAC 392-137-115. If your family has no residence, please navigate to information regarding Homeless students and the McKinney-Vento Education Act.
If you are living with a family member who is not a legal guardian, and you do not have a utility bill in your name. UPSD requires the “Living With Other” process before you can finalize a registration. With this process you are:
Living With Other Forms:
UPSD LWO Affidavit by Parent AND Sponsor
When you go back to log into Skyward, please make sure to change the Login Area near the bottom of the screen to New Student Pre-Registration using the drop down arrow before entering your User ID and password.
If this does not resolve the issue, please contact us at 253-566-5600.
Thank you
All transcripts must be ordered electronically. Requests generally take 24 to 48 hours to be processed.
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction Home-Based Instruction website
Tacoma Community House