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Transition Kindergarten

transition k

Transition Kindergarten (TK) is a free program for 4-year-olds who live within the UPSD boundaries and do not currently have access to early learning experiences through licensed childcare, preschool, co-op preschool, ECEAP, Head Start, etc. Students qualify for Transition Kindergarten through an application and screening process during which financial, academic, and social-emotional needs are assessed.



University Place School District offers a Transition Kindergarten program for a limited number of qualifying children living in UPSD school boundaries.

The program will: 

  • Serve qualifying children who are four years old by August 31 of the upcoming school year and not yet five years old 
  • Focus primarily on students who don’t currently have access to early childhood learning services or childcare
  • Qualify students based on financial, social-emotional, or academic need
  • Be a full-day academic program operating on a modified UPSD school year calendar
  • Focus on the key academic and social development skills children most need to be successful in kindergarten the following year
  • Be offered at no cost to participants or their families

University Place School District offers a Transition Kindergarten program for a limited number of qualifying children living in UPSD school boundaries.

The program will: 

  • Serve qualifying children who are four years old by August 31 of the upcoming school year and not yet five years old 
  • Focus primarily on students who don’t currently have access to early childhood learning services or childcare
  • Qualify students based on financial, social-emotional, or academic need
  • Be a full-day academic program operating on a modified UPSD school year calendar
  • Focus on the key academic and social development skills children most need to be successful in kindergarten the following year
  • Be offered at no cost to participants or their families

Students qualify for Transition Kindergarten through an application and screening process during which financial, academic, and social-emotional needs are assessed. 

  • The child must be 4 years old by August 31 of the upcoming school year and not yet 5 years old (5 year olds can register for traditional kindergarten on our K-12 registration page) 
  • The child resides within the attendance boundaries of University Place School District 
  • The child is not currently enrolled in an early learning program, such as: licensed childcare, preschool, co-op preschool, ECEAP, Head Start, etc. (full or part-time)
  • The child's family qualifies for financial assistance through the Free/Reduced Lunch Standards (USDA) 
  • The child demonstrates a need in areas associated with success in Kindergarten (learning, social-emotional, etc.)
  • Priority will be given to children most in need who have had little or no access to an early learning experience

Other resources for families in financial need searching for preschool are linked below:

(ECEAP) Early Childhood Educational Assistance Program 

(ECEAP) is a state-funded program for children from low-income families who are age three and four by August 31. The program is similar to the federally funded Head Start Program. Children qualify for this program on the basis of the family income. The program is coordinated and staffed through the Pierce County Community Action Agency. You can contact the Pierce County ECEAP at (253) 798-4400 (option 4) or visit their website.

Tacoma Community College Early Learning Center

Tacoma Community College is now running an early learning center open to the surrounding community. The program is paid for with funds from parent contributions, student fees, DCYF, EHS federal dollars and ECEAP state dollars. 

If you have questions about Transition Kindergarten, please call the University Place School District office at 253-566-5600 or email

  • Students qualify for Transition Kindergarten through an application and screening process during which financial, academic, and social-emotional needs are assessed. 

    • The child must be 4 years old by August 31 of the upcoming school year and not yet 5 years old (5 year olds can register for traditional kindergarten on our K-12 registration page) 
    • The child resides within the attendance boundaries of University Place School District 
    • The child is not currently enrolled in an early learning program, such as: licensed childcare, preschool, co-op preschool, ECEAP, Head Start, etc. (full or part-time)
    • The child's family qualifies for financial assistance through the Free/Reduced Lunch Standards (USDA) 
    • The child demonstrates a need in areas associated with success in Kindergarten (learning, social-emotional, etc.)
    • Priority will be given to children most in need who have had little or no access to an early learning experience
  • Other resources for families in financial need searching for preschool are linked below:

    (ECEAP) Early Childhood Educational Assistance Program 

    (ECEAP) is a state-funded program for children from low-income families who are age three and four by August 31. The program is similar to the federally funded Head Start Program. Children qualify for this program on the basis of the family income. The program is coordinated and staffed through the Pierce County Community Action Agency. You can contact the Pierce County ECEAP at (253) 798-4400 (option 4) or visit their website.

    Tacoma Community College Early Learning Center

    Tacoma Community College is now running an early learning center open to the surrounding community. The program is paid for with funds from parent contributions, student fees, DCYF, EHS federal dollars and ECEAP state dollars. 

  • If you have questions about Transition Kindergarten, please call the University Place School District office at 253-566-5600 or email


Find answers to frequently asked questions here.

    • The child must be 4-years old by August 31, 2025 and not yet 5 years old. (5-year-olds can register for traditional kindergarten by clicking here to access our k-12 registration page.
    • The child must reside within the attendance boundaries of University Place School District. Non-resident students are not eligible.
    • The child's family income eligibility requirements determined through the Free/Reduced Lunch Standards (USDA) will be considered.
    • The child demonstrates a need in areas associated with success in Kindergarten (learning and/or social-emotional needs).
    • Priority is given to children not currently enrolled in an early learning program, such as: licensed childcare, preschool, co-op preschool, ECEAP, Head Start, etc. (full or part-time)
    • Priority will be given to children most in need who have had little or no access to an early learning experience.
    • Two total classrooms for 2025-2026 school year (maximum 40 students)
    • August 26th is the 1st day of school 
    • Full day (same bell schedule as primary school)
    • No cost
    • Breakfast and lunch included
    • Taught by certificated UPSD teachers


  • You can call the UPSD district office at 253-566-5600 or email Maile Carr at

  • Yes, priority will be given to children most in need who have had little to no access in early learning experience. 

  • The TK program will be held at Chambers Primary and University Place Primary Schools. The district will assign TK students to a school based on proximity and capacity. 

  • TK classrooms have capacity for 20 students, 1 certificated teacher, and 1 classroom paraeducator.

  • Yes, the TK schedule will follow the the same schedule as their K-4 peers.

  • Income level is one of the factors in determining eligibility. Priority will be given to students with a demonstrated financial hardship.

  • Yes. However, access to child care is one of the factors determining eligibility. Priority will be given to students who meet eligibility criteria and do not currently have access to preschool or licensed childcare providers.

  • Yes. These specialist programs may look different or take place in different places that are appropriate for 4 year olds.




Prospective students may be referred by their physician, a birth-to-three program, or are identified through the district’s Childfind (a multidisciplinary screening process). Free screenings (Childfind) are offered several times throughout the school year to determine a child’s needs and eligibility. Parents who are concerned about their child’s development, may call the Special Services Office at 566-5645 to register their child for a Childfind screening.

More About Child Find

Child Find